Tuesday 2 March 2010

BNP's policies do not make sense

Here are some excellent links to explore from dedicated right-of-centre foes of the BNP, There's Nothing British About the BNP:

Analysing the BNP’s Policies

Policy Focus #20: Britain Under the BNP

Policy Focus #19: What the BNP’s policies tell us about their party

Policy Focus #18: How the BNP’s currency crisis would shut schools, fire teachers and send inflation soaring

Policy Focus #17: Why the BNP would bankrupt Britain

Policy Focus #16: How the BNP would leave us isolated from the world

Policy Focus #15: How BNP Britain would terrorise our minorities

Policy Focus #14: How the BNP would censor our press, our schools – and Eastenders

Policy Focus #13: How the BNP’s crime policy would unleash guns on our streets

Policy Focus #12: How the BNP’s immigration policies would turn Britain into a dystopian state

Policy Focus #11: How the BNP’s immigration policy would destroy Britain’s economy

Policy Focus #10: How the BNP’s policies would hit ordinary British families

Policy Focus #9: How the BNP would increase fuel poverty

Policy Focus #8: The BNP’s five policies to make food more expensive

Policy Focus #7: How the BNP would double your shopping bill

Policy Focus #6: Tax breaks for the rich, tax hikes for the poor

Policy Focus # 5: How the BNP would return us to an era of rationing

Policy Focus #4: Why foreign companies are good for British workers

Policy Focus #3: Why closing the City could cost you £1000

Policy Focus # 2: Why the BNP’s manufacturing plan would lose 8 million jobs

Policy Focus #1: Why the BNP’s tariffs could cost £1,300 per person

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