Friday 7 August 2009

The BNP's Bizarre Understanding Of History

From There's Nothing British About the BNP:

In an email to its members, the BNP compare themselves to the Allies during World War Two, and equate the “Establishment” (i.e. the EU, mainstream political parties and basically anybody who is not like the BNP) and “multiculturalism” to Nazis and Nazism.

In the words of the BNP: Our ancestors didn’t fight for “multiculturalism”, “political correctness” and the European Union. Politicians and mainstream society – according to the BNP - are betraying the sacrifice of those heroes who gave their lives for this country during that period.

Quite simply, the BNP are wrong. The historical reasons as to why Britain and France went to war in September 1939 were to stand up to German military aggression and to honour our commitments to Poland, which was protected from German expansionism by a guarantee given by the Allies in April 1939.

Certainly multiculturalism and political correctness, which are well intentioned, have their faults, but the BNP are lying when they suggest that the veterans of WW2 (fought between the years 1939-1945) were prepared to lay down their lives to protect us from policies which have been implemented post-1945. This is a fatuous argument.

A country is entitled to pursue new policies after a war has been fought, and it does not mean that these “new” policies are contrary to the principles for which our ancestors were fighting for.
Democratic societies are not static. They change over a period of time. This inevitably means that fresh policies have to be formulated in response to changed circumstances and new problems, which may not have been an issue at the time of war.

The anachronistic argument used by the BNP is as ridiculous as saying that “Agincourt wasn’t fought for a mega mosque to be built in London”. Or that “Sir Francis Drake didn’t fight the Spanish Armada for the Human Rights Act”. Both of these statements are obviously true, but only because “mega mosques” and the “Human Rights Act” were not on the agendas during the 15th and 17th centuries, respectively. They have become issues SINCE the 15th and 17th centuries.

However, one thing is certain: Britain, France, Russia and America did fight against German National Socialist aggression and were disgusted by the Nazi notion of pseudo-scientifically inspired racial supremacy – something which the BNP, to this very day, have enshrined in their constitution.

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