Monday 20 July 2009

Norwich church leaders united

Prior to the European and County Council elections on June 4th we issued the attached statement.

We reiterate those same concerns in the context of the Norwich North by-election on July 23rd.

It is important for us to do so since the British National Party candidate styles himself as ‘Revd’ and is often to be seen dressed as a clergyman. He belongs to no known denomination and voters should not be misled by his adoption of clerical dress.

The policies he promotes are not shared by any of the Churches we serve and are contrary to the teaching of the New Testament.

There we read that in Christ ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female’ (Galatians 3.28).

Christians in Norfolk and Norwich have had a long tradition of welcoming the stranger. We pray that this generous instinct may continue to be celebrated here.

The Rt. Revd. Graham James, Bishop of Norwich (Church of England)
The Rt. Revd. Michael Evans, Bishop of East Anglia (Roman Catholic)
The Revd. Graham Thompson, East Anglia District (Methodist Church)
The Revd. Richard Lewis, Regional Minister, Norfolk (Baptist Union)
The Revd. Paul Whittle, Moderator Eastern Province (United Reformed Church)
John Myhill (Society of Friends)

The Revd Simon Wilson
The Rectory
Guist Road
NR20 5RZ
01362 683275

Social and Community Concerns Co-ordinator
Diocese of Norwich

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